Water and flood damage can be a huge headache for Canadian homeowners. It's the leading cause of property damage in Canada, and whether it's a flooded basement or a major leak, having the right coverage could help save you from a lot of stress and expense.
What is home insurance and what does it cover?
Home insurance is a type of insurance coverage that helps financially protect your house and your belongings against the loss of damage resulting from a variety of risks. It can help with the cost of repairs or replacement for damage that's covered by your policy, as well as providing liability coverage.
Your coverage details depend on your policy, so it's important to carefully review the terms of your policy to see what's protected and what might need additional coverage.
You can learn more about what your home insurance covers here
Is water damage covered by insurance in Canada ?
You may be wondering if your home insurance covers water damage. If you're insured with us, yes! The standard TD Insurance home insurance policy covers specific types of water damage. However, if you're interested in having water damage coverage beyond what your policy currently provides, you can also purchase additional coverage to enhance your policy's base coverage.
What does comprehensive water damage coverage mean?
When people talk about comprehensive water damage coverage, they're usually referring to a broader coverage for water damage that isn't covered under their base home policy. To get more comprehensive coverage for water damage, you can purchase additional water damage coverage to give you protection against a wider range of water-related incidents.
Is water damage covered by TD Insurance?
To some extent, yes! Your home coverage with us includes protection against sudden and accidental water damage caused by events such as (but not limited to):
- 供暖系統破裂
- 管道系統破裂
- 噴灑系統破裂
- Discharge or escape of water from a hot water tank, dishwasher, or other domestic appliances
- Escape of water from a public watermain that carries drinking water
One important thing to keep in mind, however: If your home is going to be unoccupied, it's important that you check in with us. Depending on your situation, your home may be considered vacant . This would impact your current coverage, so by letting us know, we can provide guidance on the coverage that's best suited for a vacant home.
What types of additional water damage coverage can I purchase?
There's a lot that home insurance can do to financially protect you from water damage, but having additional coverage can help protect you in a wider range of scenarios. The following table outlines the types of additional water damage coverage TD Insurance offers:
擴展型水災損害保險 |
地上水災保險 |
冰霜和屋頂排水管回流保險 |
承保範圍 |
主要針對房屋保險承保範圍之外的地下和地表水災損壞相關情況。 因下列情況造成的突發和意外水災損害(包括洪水)損壞保險*:
*適用某些例外情況。 |
*適用某些例外情況。 |
*適用某些例外情況。 |
示例情況 |
如果下水道回水造成未經處理的污水通過您的地面排水管溢出,造成您不得不在房屋清理期間在酒店住宿,擴展型水災損害保險將確保為您提供保障。 |
如果您開著窗戶,而突然的暴雨導致地板、牆壁和財物被水災損害,您可能可以獲得地上水災損害保險理賠。 |
如果形成冰壩,水進入您的屋頂導致房屋受損,造成您需要搬遷,額外的生活和維修費用將得到保障,並包括在批單限額內。 |
這是房屋保險保單的附加險嗎? |
Add-on is automatically included as part of your premium, subject to eligibility. |
附加險可選,須符合資格要求。 |
Add-on is automatically included as part of premium, subject to eligibility. |
這是公寓/租賃房保險保單的附加險嗎? |
附加險可選,須符合資格要求。 |
附加險包含於房屋保險中。 |
附加險包含於房屋保險中。 |
Unfortunately, water damage is the most common cause of property damage in Canada,1 a "claim to fame" that isn't likely to change in the near future. Recent research into the effects of climate change predicts an increase in extreme rainfall events2 such as heavy rain, and in 2023 alone, water-related damage made up the majority of insured extreme weather and catastrophic claims made that year.3
Adding additional water damage coverage to your home policy can give you that extra bit of confidence that comes from knowing you have protection for a wide range of typical water damage losses.
Are you looking exclusively for "flood insurance" which isn't listed in the table above? The term "flood" is often used to loosely describe any accumulation of water, regardless of the source, so what you may actually be looking for is overland flood insurance.
Overland flood insurance is generally an add-on to your standard home insurance policy. It can be beneficial to have in case of heavy rainfall or overflows from bodies of fresh water.使用道明保險,您需要在房屋保險保單中加入擴展型水災損害保險,以免受洪水相關的損害。
If you're an existing TD Insurance customer and you encounter water damage to your home or belongings, please contact us so we can review your TD Insurance policy coverage and potentially start a claim.您也可以:
- Start a claim via the TD Insurance Mobile App or review and manage your coverage online with MyInsurance.
- Get in touch with a TD Insurance Advisor to review your coverage or a TD Insurance Claims Advisor to start a claim.
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