Surviving Cancer

This story is for illustration purposes only.

You are a 40 year-old hotel manager and single parent, and you have just found out you have cancer.

"It's malignant," your doctor said. "But with today's surgical advancements, I think I can remove just the growth in your breast, and nothing else." The surgery was a success, and you now feel like you should take time off from work, to focus on recovery and weekly chemotherapy and radiation treatments, as well as looking after your children. Your recovery will take six months, with another three months during which you can only work part-time. Critical illness patients are typically able to recover their health and get their life back to normal in stages. Fortunately for you, your aunt provided an inheritance months earlier, and you and your children can live on that while you take the time to recover without financial worries.

When you have cash benefits to fall back on in the event of a critical illness, you may not have to worry about finances, and you can take the time you need for a complete recovery. However, everyone's situation is different when faced with critical illness such as Cancer, Heart Attack or Stroke.